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As Pro-Abortion Billboards Proclaim Death, Abortion Survivors Proclaim Life

September 27, 2023

“God’s plan includes abortion.”

“Abortion is okay. You know what’s right for you.”

“Abortion is okay. You are loved.”

The group called Shout Your Abortion posted these messages on six billboards along Interstate 55 which leads from southern states to Illinois. Supposedly, the organization’s goal is to help women with unexpected pregnancies feel loved and “affirmed” as they drive to a state where it is legal to have an abortion.

In Illinois, it’s legal for women to have an abortion up until the moment of birth without parental notification, paid for by Illinois taxpayers, in clinics that don’t have to be licensed or even inspected. People can even make money by convincing vulnerable girls and women to choose abortion instead of parenting or adoption.

These messages are deeply disturbing to those who understand the truth that every single human life is precious, loved, and planned by God from the moment of conception until natural death. Sadly, though, this profound understanding is lost on many people. In this increasingly narcissistic, self-fulfilling society, the concept of dying to self, having sacrificial love, and following God’s design has become a foreign concept.

While the pro-life community shares the desire to love and support women facing unexpected pregnancies, the way to love them is not by helping them abort their unborn child. Not only does abortion kill an unborn human being, it also usually leads the mother to depression or other mental health problems.

The way to show love is to come alongside these women in crisis situations through counseling, financial aid, and parenting or adoption resources. We can also share the powerful stories of people such as Lauren Eden and Jennifer Milbourn. Lauren and Jennifer survived their birth mothers’ failed abortions. On the September 26 episode of “Fox & Friends,” Jennifer referred to John 3:16 and explained:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his Son so that instead of death, everyone may have life. And life is always God’s plan — not death and certainly not abortion. And the only love this group [Shout Your Abortion] shows is for those that agree with them. While God’s love is for all people, this group is anti-life. And we survivors are proof that they’re anti-life because if they had their way, I wouldn’t be here — and my children wouldn’t be here. And abortion is the only medical procedure that when a doctor fails, a life is saved. And no matter how you try to spin it, abortion is not health care. And I’m not a disease to be taken care of. … [W]e are the babies that survived the choice.”

Lauren added, “I think that every life is a miracle, and these moms need resources. They need support. They need help. I know my own mom went to three different states in a desperate attempt to have an abortion. And God intervened in my life 15 times — 15 miracles that he did. And he proved that my life was a living testimony of his grace and of his redeeming love.”

Lauren’s story isn’t isolated. Since 2012, our friends at The Abortion Survivors Network have connected with over 643 abortion survivors. To learn more about how you can support and promote their important, life-affirming work, visit their website at AbortionSurvivors.org.

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