". . . and having done all . . . stand firm." Eph. 6:13


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Outstanding! A Podcast of The Washington Stand

42 min

Ep. 177: From Islam to Christianity: Hedieh Mirahmadi Falco on Faith, Radicalization, and Preserving Christian Values

Critical conversations on the news of the day and the issues that shape us.

Outstanding is a podcast of The Washington Stand, Family Research Council's outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. We examine outstanding news and issues from TWS with an aim to take every thought captive for the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Join host Joseph Backholm and guests as they examine the headlines through the lens of Scripture, and explore how Christians should respond.

Look for new episodes each week, so be sure to follow Outstanding on your favorite podcast app.

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Ep. 176: Love, Marriage & Culture Wars: A Conversation with Dr.Jim Garlow

56 min

Dr. Jim Garlow, founder and CEO of Well Versed, joins Joseph Backholm to explore the biblical foundation of marriage. They unpack Genesis 1 and 2 and address the cultural decline in marriage and

Ep. 175: Free Speech - A Legal Analysis with Jim Campbell

32 min

Jim Campbell who serves as chief legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom joins Joseph Backholm to dissect the recent Supreme Court Case Free Speech Coalition vs. Paxton. They discuss details of

Ep. 174: Northern Tensions: Trump, Tariffs, and Canada's Changing Politics

48 min

Former Canadian politician, Stockwell Day, joins Joseph Backholm to shed some light on what is happening with our neighbors to the north. From potential trade wars to a shift in power, Canadians are

Ep. 173: Unchecked Power? China's Global Influence

44 min

Gordon Chang, a China expert, joins Joseph Backholm to discuss China's growing global influence, US-China relations, and concerns over its role in the Panama Canal. They discuss potential economic