Johnson, Ramaswamy, Scott Deliver Powerful, Hope-Filled Speeches at RNC
While our nation continues to reflect on the shock of Saturday night, realizing how close former President Donald Trump was to being assassinated, many have a renewed sense of clarity about what’s important. More Americans truly want to see the nation unite around principles that have made our country great and that give future generations the ability to realize the American Dream.
This week at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee, speakers have expressed enthusiasm and optimism for America’s future and have articulated the ideals that our Founders expressed in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
Johnson: ‘Every Single Person Has Inestimable Dignity and Value’
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) told the crowd, “Two hundred and forty-eight years ago, we boldly proclaimed in our Declaration that all men are created equal — not born equal — created equal. And that we’re endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights. See, we understand that our rights do not come from government. They come from God.”
He continued, “There’s another thing that we recognize. We recognize that we are made in His image. And because of that, every single person has inestimable dignity and value. And your values are not related in any way to the color of your skin, what zip code do you live in, where you come from, what your talents are, or what you can contribute to society. Your value is inherent because it is given to you by your Creator. That’s what we stand for.”
‘7 Core Principles of American Conservatism’
Johnson further reflected, “I speak a lot about what I call the seven core principles of American conservatism. What do we stand for as Republicans? … I think it boils down to a few things: individual freedom, limited government, the rule of law, peace through strength, fiscal responsibility, free markets, and human dignity.”
Johnson went on to warn Americans, “The radical woke progressive Left has disdain for those principles. … They have a very different vision for what America should become. They want to tear down those foundations and remold us into some sort of borderless, lawless, Marxist, socialist utopia. We’re here to say, ‘Not on our watch.’ We will not allow that to happen.”
Ramaswamy: We Believe in Merit and the Rule of Law, Not DEI Policies
Businessman and former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy also gave a hope-filled, inspirational speech. He asked, “What does it mean to be a Republican in the year 2024? What does it mean to be an American in the year 2024? It means we believe in the ideals of 1776. It means we believe in merit. That you get ahead in this country — not on the color of your skin — but on the content of your character and your contributions. It means we believe in the rule of law, and I say this as the kid of legal immigrants to this country, that means your first act of entering this country cannot break the law. That is why we will seal the southern border on day one.”
Republicans Care about Americans of All Colors and Nationalities
Ramaswamy sought to reach black American voters, saying, “Our message to black Americans is this: the media has tried to convince you for decades that Republicans don’t care about your communities, but we do. We want for you what we want for every American: safe neighborhoods, clean streets, good jobs, a better life for your children, and a justice system that treats everyone equally regardless of your skin color and regardless of your political beliefs.”
Gen Z: ‘Get Married, Have Kids, Teach Them to Believe in God and Pledge Allegiance to Their Country’
Ramaswamy went on to say, “And our message to Gen Z is this: you’re going to be the generation that actually saves this country. You want to be a rebel? You want to be a hippie? You want to stick it to the man? Show up on your college campus and try calling yourself a conservative. Say you want to get married, have kids, teach them to believe in God and pledge allegiance to their country. Because you know what? Fear has been infectious in this country, but courage can be contagious too. That too is what it means to be an American.”
Free Speech and Vigorous Debate
Finally, Ramaswamy vehemently defended the importance of the First Amendment, saying, “And you know what? If you’re at home and you disagree with everything I just said, our message to you is this, we will still defend to the death your right to say it, because that is who we are as Americans. We are the country where we can disagree like hell and still get together at the dinner table at the end of it. That is the America I know. That is the America we miss.”
Scott: Conservative Policies Give Everyday Americans Opportunities
Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) also explained how conservative policies give Americans opportunities. Like Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance, Scott grew up in poverty, but he was able to find opportunities to lift himself up and make a better life. He insisted, “It’s conservative values that restore hope. It’s Republican policies that lift people up. I partnered … with the greatest president of my generation, President Donald J. Trump, on the biggest tax cuts ever for working people and single moms and opportunity zones for neighborhoods that need the most.”
He continued, “We are not simply the party of our leaders. We are also the party of a young woman in Wisconsin taking over her family farm, a Hispanic father working 16-hour days in Nevada, and a black teenager in Philly starving for opportunity. We’re not just the Grand Old Party of the past, we are the great opportunity party of America’s future.”