". . . and having done all . . . stand firm." Eph. 6:13


MILLER: The Left is Forsaking Our Daughters. We Must Defend Them.

On the 50th anniversary of Title IX, the Biden administration is set to strip protections for women and girls by expanding “sex” to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

Title IX was created to enhance athletic opportunities, but now, fair competition and equality in women’s sports are under threat due to the injustice of allowing male athletes to participate in sports designated for women and girls. No girl should be robbed of athletic opportunities by being forced to compete with biological males in school sports. Even further, no girl or boy should have to feel insecure or unsafe in the bathroom or locker room at school because of the presence of a member of the opposite sex. 

For Democrats, creating a world of false gender reality is a top priority. On his first day in office, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to interpret Title IX as requiring schools to allow access to sex-segregated spaces and activities based on gender identity, not biological identity. The Biden administration and House Democrats continue to support bills such as the Equality Act that put women at risk in public restrooms, gyms, and even domestic violence shelters by allowing men claiming to be women to freely enter those once safe spaces. These overreaching policies don’t empower women, they threaten women’s safety, education, and opportunity.

I will never be afraid to speak out in defense of our daughters, who need adults in leadership positions who are not afraid of being criticized by radical leftists. That is why my first bill as a Member of Congress was the Safety and Opportunity for Girls Act, which would protect spaces for women and girls in school by clarifying that nothing in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 can be interpreted to give the Biden administration the authority to prohibit schools from maintaining sex-segregated bathrooms, locker, rooms, sports teams, and academic programs. This year, I also sent a letter to the National Collegiate Athletic Association president calling for a change to the NCAA rules that allow biological men to participate in women’s sports. Americans support female athletes and want to end gender-based discrimination, yet the NCAA is refusing to do what is right.

The answer to the question “What is a woman?” has been clear for the entire history of our civilization, and it has not changed since Genesis. The radical Left has launched an attack on biology because they want to put themselves above God, and they want to brainwash our daughters with their “wokeism.”

On behalf of my five daughters, and all women, I will continue to fight against policies pushed through by the Biden administration and House Democrats that put the safety and opportunities of our daughters last.

Congresswoman Mary Miller is a Republican representing the 15th District of Illinois.