". . . and having done all . . . stand firm." Eph. 6:13


The Public Sq. Baby Boom

June 21, 2023

While woke corporations dish out abortion stipends to workers, our good friends at Public Sq. are taking a more positive approach. Instead of incentivizing the killing of unborn children, Public Sq. CEO Michael Seifert announced that he’s offering a $5,000 baby bonus for employees who give birth or adopt. 

After the Dobbs ruling, several supposedly “pro-woman” businesses decided to pay their female employees up to $4,500 to have an abortion so that they don’t take maternity leave. Public Sq. decided to counter that trend with a truly pro-family policy that rewards their staff with a $5,000 bonus when an employee or employee’s spouse gives birth or begins the process of adoption.

Seifert appeared on “Fox & Friends Weekend” this month to explain how the policy came about. “We did see the world going in this direction that we believe is really anti-family. We think that ultimately a company is only as strong as the families that build it. And then for us, we’re a pro-family company. We’re unashamed about that. … So we thought, what better way to express this value that’s core to our beliefs than actually putting some money behind it?”

 “[The] sad reality of this is that these [other] companies will pretend to care about, ‘women’s health care,’ but at the end of the day, they just don’t want to pay maternity leave. They’re more afraid of losing the monetary value that their employees provide. So they would rather choose tha[n] … empower the growth of these families. I think that’s really destructive. I actually want more of our employees’ family members, because I think they’re great people, and we want their communities to thrive. And we believe that ultimately strong families build a strong nation, and I wish more companies felt the same way.”

Mary Szoch, FRC’s director of the Center for Human Dignity, applauded Public Sq.’s pro-family policy. “Public Sq.’s baby bonus demonstrates that the company actually values men and women in their totality — not just for what they can contribute to the company’s bottom line,” she told The Washington Stand. “Public Sq. has simultaneously made their company an attractive option for women who don’t want their employer dictating when they have children and contributed to a culture that celebrates the incredible gift every child is to this world. I hope more companies follow their lead.” 

Seifert announced that there have been three pregnancies announced among his employees just within the last month.

Public Sq. is the largest marketplace in the country of pro-family businesses. They provide alternatives to pro-abortion, pro-LGBT, anti-freedom businesses by vetting companies so customers can be more intentional with their spending. We were proud to have Siefert join our Pray Vote Stand Summit 2022 in Georgia on a panel titled “How to Win the War against Woke Corporate America” alongside Justin Danhof of Strive Asset Management and Stephen Soukup, author of “The Dictatorship of Woke Capital.”

Thankfully, we see the fruits of their efforts as millions of Americans continue to take an unprecedented stand against companies like Bud Light, Kohl’s, Starbucks, Nike, and Target for using their brands to promote transgenderism to children. 

You can support Public Sq. by downloading their app at publicsq.com. Each one of us can make a difference as we strive to be faithful stewards of the resources with which God has blessed us.