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The Purpose of China’s Invasion in Taiwan Is to Cut the World’s Economic Bloodline

June 19, 2022

From China’s purposeful hiding of COVID-19 and causing its spread all over the world, to their ally Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, many people wonder if World War III is upon us. The pandemic, war, famine, and death are right in front of us. This alarming message draws the attention of global democratic countries to Taiwan. An article featured on the cover page of The Economist highlights this issue: “The most dangerous place on Earth.”

The heart of the problem is: Why does China want to invade Taiwan by force? Most international media and experts continually ignore a key factor: China wants to seize the Taiwan Strait — the most important shipping route in the world. The route accounts for more than 50% of the world’s high-tech GDP. More than 1,000 oil tankers, chemical tankers, container ships, and aircraft transports travel through it every day. The Taiwan Strait is the major bloodline of global democratic countries, a vital pathway for the U.S. economy. Under the cloak of invading Taiwan, the Chinese Communist Party’s true goal is to cut off world trade.

Recently, a Chinese government strategist openly called on the Chinese government to seize Taiwan by force. She claimed the main aim was to seize Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the world’s largest manufacturer of semiconductor chips. The question is not whether China will invade Taiwan or not, but when. Before we ask whether 23 million Taiwan citizens are ready for it, we must first ask the U.S. and the rest of the world: are you ready to let the Chinese Communist Party control the world economic bloodline and semiconductor chips supply chain?

Once the Chinese Communist Party seizes Taiwan, they will turn Taiwan into a military base that threatens the safety of the everyone else. The Chinese Communist Party’s strategy against Taiwan is to “keep the land but not the people.” Seizing it is the first step of CCP’s plan to dominate the world. They will start by deploying nuclear weapons in Taiwan to target neighboring countries and sea areas. Shinzo Abe, former Prime Minister of Japan, is the first one that realized this threat. He said: “Any emergency over Taiwan would mean an emergency for Japan as well.” He even suggested for the U.S. to deploy nuclear weapons in Japan to protect the whole region. If Taiwan is safe, Japan is safe, and the entire world is safe.

Here is a similar question: why did Russia invade Ukraine? None of the reasons given by Putin are true. Russia’s real purpose is to turn Ukraine into a military base and deploy nuclear weapons on the border to threaten Europe. In fact, Putin has already done that in Belarus. The only difference is Ukraine has much higher strategic value than Belarus.

The U.S. and Europe are very alert to the Russian threat. That is why Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will not give up land to end the conflict. Putin’s aggression against Ukraine is also to “keep the land but not the people.” If Russia seizes Ukraine, Europe will be colonized by Putin and his New Soviet Union. Russia is already planning to adopt a new national flag. There will be stars, a hammer, a sickle, and red colors. Terrifying, isn’t it? If Ukraine falls, Europe will also fall. Thus, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin visited Kyiv and provided military support for Ukraine.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is also of significant importance to Taiwan. Putin’s success would cause the U.S. to provide endless military support for its NATO allies, leaving no resources to protect the safety of the Taiwan Strait, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea. At that time, China will have an opportunity to invade Taiwan by force. They will not only attack Taiwan but also Japan, the Philippines, and other southeast Asian countries like Australia and New Zealand. Do not be surprised if Secretary Blinken and Austin show up in these areas and even Taiwan in the future, because losing Taiwan means surrendering the frontline of global democracy.

Not long ago, Blinken gave a speech, and he emphasized the importance of peace in the Taiwan Strait, “It's not just in the United States interest but it’s a matter of international concern, critical to regional and global security and prosperity.” Under this premise, he also said: “We do not support Taiwan independence and we expect cross-strait differences to be resolved by peaceful means. We continue to have an abiding interest in the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and will continue to uphold our commitment to the Taiwan Relations Act and assist Taiwan and maintain sufficient self-defense capabilities. The U.S. will resist any resort to force or coercion that jeopardizes the security, or the social or economic system, of the people of Taiwan.”

It is important to fully understand the meaning of his speech about Taiwan. We should not only focus on his denial of Taiwanese independence. The global strategic reality is that Taiwan must be an inseparable part of the U.S. in order for the U.S. to protect them. Under this premise, the U.S. cannot support Taiwan’s independence. The Chinese government scolded Blinken after he gave his speech because he denied Taiwan as a part of China. Taiwan is Taiwan. The name is not important. The key is Taiwan has never been ruled by China, and it has never been China’s territory. U.S.’s new map has clearly demonstrated that.

China has been affected by COVID-19 for more than two years. Together with the consequence of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the failure of the “Belt and Road Initiative,” the country has decayed a lot. China’s Chairman Xi Jinping became the cover person of the “The Economist” magazine issued on May 28. Under a red background color and a black heading “China’s Slowdown,” Xi Jinping was stepping down a stair. Below the heading: “The Trouble with Xi’s new economic model.” In other words, Xi Jinping is the troublemaker. He is the culprit of China’s decay, not just its economy. The cover image indicates it is time for him to step down.

This is an important warning message. If Xi Jinping is desperate and decides to initiate a war against Taiwan, the Chinese Communist Party will collapse. Not only does the world needs to think about how to stop him from invading Taiwan by force, but also the potential disasters he could bring to China that would cause tens of millions of refugees to flee. Thus, the world also needs to face potential disasters if China collapses and take precautions. Taiwan is located right at the forefront of this disaster.

Bob Fu is Senior Fellow for International Religious Freedom at Family Research Council. Dr. Sen-Hong Yang is Founder and President of Taiwan Association for Human Rights in China and a radio host at Radio Taiwan International.

Rev. Bob Fu, Ph.D. is Senior Fellow for International Religious Freedom at Family Research Council and is the founder and president of ChinaAid.

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