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A Growing Number of Democrats Want Their Party to Be ‘More Moderate,’ Poll Finds

February 14, 2025

A new nationwide survey has found that 45% of Democratic and Democratic-leaning Independent voters think their party has veered far too much to the left of the political spectrum. It appears what they want is a “more moderate” Democratic Party. And yet, despite this, “most Democratic lawmakers appear to be holding firm to left-wing policies that appear to be political losers,” observers say.

Published on Thursday, the Gallup poll was conducted the week of President Donald Trump’s inauguration, between January 21 and 27. It surveyed 1,001 adults throughout all 50 states. It revealed that the number of Democrats wanting their party to be “more moderate” has increased by 11 points since 2021. “At the same time,” Gallup added, “Democrats’ and leaners’ desire for a more liberal party has declined five points, to 29%, and preferences for no change in party ideology have fallen nine points, to 22%.”

On the other side, the results show that Republicans appear to be fairly content with where their party stands. According to the poll, “Republicans’ and Republican-leaning Independents’ support for the GOP to stay the same ideologically is up nine points from 2021, to 43%” — although, there is a notably smaller “desire for a more conservative party,” which “is down 12 points to 28%. The 27% of Republicans and leaners who now prefer moderation for their party is not significantly different from 2021.”

These results also come as Rasmussen Reports released their own survey on whether Americans think the country is on the right or wrong track. Notably, it found for the first time in two decades that the amount of people who believe America is on the right track exceeds those who do not. The organization shared on X, “A 20 year daily trend ends, this is a big one.”

In response, some offered comments on why they think this is the case. Many believe it’s a reflection of Americans who are pleased with Trump’s presidency thus far. As one person wrote, “We finally have a President who’s surrounded by good people who want to save our country instead of exploit it for their own power and enrichment, and it plainly shows.” Another stated, “The Golden Age has begun.”

Looking back at the Gallup findings, the pollsters concluded that, “after Republicans won back the presidency and control of the U.S. Senate while also maintaining a slim majority in the U.S. House, Trump has begun to enact the conservative agenda he campaigned on.” And as of right now, “Republicans overwhelmingly approve of Trump and are more satisfied with their party’s current ideological bent than Democrats are with theirs.” Concerning Democrats, few of them “want their party to stand still politically,” and “more believe it should become more moderate than more liberal.” This represents a major change from four years ago, Gallup stated, and “the current sentiment may very well be a reaction to their losses in 2024, as they look ahead to 2026.”

Family Research Council’s Joseph Backholm agreed that the election results had a huge role in what’s playing out among voters. As he told The Washington Stand, “I think this is largely a function of Republicans feeling good about election results and Democrats feeling bad about it. Democratic voters want their party to [be more] moderate because they recognize that being pro-open borders and pro-men in women’s sports are losing issues for the majority of voters.” In a sense, Backholm added, “it’s adapt or die.”

“In many ways, it’s good that voters are rejecting the most extreme positions of the Left,” Backholm continued, “but there’s a long way to go before we’re healthy again” as a country. He emphasized that America will flourish once we “protect every life, value real marriage, and fathers are present in the lives of their children. The Sexual Revolution is still alive and well and represents a serious impediment to cultural health.” And while “the recent election represents improvement … we’re a ways from health.”

Backholm, who serves as FRC’s senior fellow for Biblical Worldview and Strategic Engagement, pointed out that this shift in some Democratic voters’ views “presents a great opportunity for the church because we have the opportunity to communicate why secular progressivism doesn’t work.” Ultimately, he concluded, “God’s plan for humanity is best for us, and we have a great opportunity to communicate that right now.”

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.

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