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Some N.J. School Boards Pull Back on Trans Policies

December 19, 2023

For months, transgender policies have dominated school board discussions on issues like whether teachers should notify the parents of students with gender confusion. While some schools have voted to reject these policies already, some have supported trans policies in defiance of parental rights. However, as time marches on, more districts are rejecting the policies they formerly held. Most recently, two schools in New Jersey have voted to reverse themselves.

The policies in question include whether students can hide their gender identities from their parents, as well as whether trans-identifying students can choose the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity. On Thursday, the Franklin Lakes School District voted 5-4 to reject the trans policies recommended by the state. Additionally, the board in the Westwood Regional School District voted 5-2. For some, it seems enough is enough.

School board member Scott Loia initiated the “resolution to abolish the transgender policy,” the Daily Wire reported. Loia says he doesn’t “buy into this gender nonsense.” Part of his argument is that the adoption of these guidelines have caused more legal turmoil for them, as compared to the schools who rid themselves of them.

Meanwhile, other schools in New Jersey have voted to keep their trans policies, such as Roxbury Public Schools. But even there, some board members strongly opposed the notion.

Meg Kilgannon, senior fellow for Education Studies at Family Research Council, commented to The Washington Stand, “The public is finally catching up to understanding all the radical changes that have been made behind the scenes by trans activists at the state and local level.” She continued, “As a result, I hope we will see more and more elections with pro-parent candidates running for office and winning, or at the very least bringing more attention to issues like secret gender transition plans at school.”

Interestingly, both the Franklin Lakes School District and Westwood district are set to get new board members in January, which has some speculating on whether the current votes will stand. But Kilgannon emphasized the current board members need to prepare, especially as Christians, for more controversy on these issues, because they are unlikely to go away.

She concluded, “As our society begins to grapple with this topic more openly, we need Christians to be willing to share the truth about the human person, the reality and permanence of biological sex, the danger of separating parents from their children, the problems with current poorly supported guidelines for ‘gender affirming care,’ and problems these policies create for teachers who want to teach rather than act as mental health counselors.”

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.

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