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‘Surrender’ of American Sovereignty Is ‘the Agenda of the UN Summit of the Future,’ Say Experts

September 17, 2024

On a breezy, rainy day in Washington D.C., lawmakers and other experts joined together to “raise the alarm,” as expressed by Reggie Littlejohn, co-founder of Sovereignty Coalition and president of Anti-Globalist International about the Pact for the Future. As Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.) stated in the press conference Tuesday afternoon, this United Nations (U.N.) project is “the most important issue that’s getting the least amount of attention relative to its importance in our country.”

As The Heritage Foundation explained, “In short, the Pact for the Future is an overt effort by the secretary-general to affirm that the United Nations should be the primary venue for addressing international development, international peace and security, and emerging technologies and innovations under its global governance.” Under its accurate definition, the Pact “is an unwise effort to bestow additional responsibilities on an organization that is unable to manage its current remit.”

In effect, supporting these efforts at the U.N. and the World Health Organization (WHO) is a vote to forfeit America’s sovereignty over its own affairs, experts say. “The Biden-Harris administration,” Good added, “apparently intends to fully support the surrender and compliance of the U.S. to the U.N. in these endeavors.” The current administration is “aligned with the international globalists that hate America, that hate the Constitution, that hate our Founders,” and “our founding Judeo-Christian principals,” he added.

The House of Representatives passed the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act (H.R. 1425) last week by a narrow 219-199 vote. The bill, introduced by Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.), was “designed to protect the United States from globalist dictates and pandemic-style lockdowns” that the pact currently threatens America with.

But just how big is this threat? And why are so few Americans aware of it? According to Good, this pact could swing open the door for the U.N. and the WHO to have authority “to require such things as their international health regulations, including the surveillance of U.S. citizens, the censoring of dissenting views, and much more.” Ultimately, he urged, “The American people didn’t vote for this, and they don’t support this,” which is why “it’s up to the people’s representatives … to expose” and “reject this.”

Speaking at the press conference, Rep. Ralph Norman (R-N.C.) stated that what happens during the Summit for the Future later this month when the pact is discussed involves the risk of ceding “America’s authority, America’s sovereignty, to … China.” He emphasized, “This is a top-line issue that America must be made aware of. … The WHO needs to be defunded. … We need to do away with it.” And as the Sovereignty Coalition’s Frank Gaffney contended, “Make no mistake about it,” the “surrender of our sovereignty to global government” is “the agenda of the U.N. Summit of the Future.” It’s “unmistakably what they hope to put in train with their so-called Pact of the Future.”

What “is absolutely infuriating about all of this,” Gaffney continued, “is … [that] most people in the media, most people in government, certainly the vast majority of Americans, have no idea this is even going on.” To elaborate, Good shared in an exclusive comment to The Washington Stand how Americans are “not aware” for a number of reasons.

First, he said, the Biden administration “really doesn’t want [people] to be aware.” So they aren’t “talking about their intent to subordinate the United States to the governance of the U.N., the WHO, and [other] entities.” Second, “Congress is not appropriately focused,” even despite efforts “for the better part of a year to try to bring attention to this issue.” Ultimately, “It’s difficult to get attention on it if … House leadership has not engaged on it.” And “the media plays a role” as well, he pointed out. “The media is not talking about it.”

These realities are what led Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) to argue that we can’t allow this administration to “turn over our health care apparatus to folks from … [an] institution that has no concern for us.” Echoing this, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) warned, “As a physician who has followed the WHO for many years now … I can tell you that the WHO in particular, and the U.N. in general, do not represent what’s best for this country. In fact, they do everything they can to undermine us and defeat us.”

Jackson declared, “I am a firm believer … that, from this point forward, we should never give another penny to the World Health Organization.”

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins also voiced his concern during the conference, describing the pact as a “global power grab.” As he noted, Brazil taking away access to the X social media platform is a recent example of what it looks like for “governments to silence and censor dissenting voices.” But “in America, we cherish the First Amendment, we cherish our freedom, and we cherish our families. Both are endangered under this pandemic accord.”

Noting that Tuesday was Constitution Day, Kris Ullman, president of Eagle Forum, concluded that bringing awareness and speaking out about the dangers the U.N. and the WHO represent is “the first step to get us back to constitutional order” and protecting America’s sovereignty.

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.