". . . and having done all . . . stand firm." Eph. 6:13


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PODCAST 50 min

Ep. 137: Life In Occupied Ukraine - An Update

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About 2 and a half years ago, Russia launched a full-on invasion into Ukraine. Countless lives have been lost, families separated, cities destroyed, and many are wondering if the war will ever end. Host Joseph Backholm is joined again by Gennadiy Mokhnenko, a Christian pastor actively preaching in Russian-occupied Ukraine, for an update of what life and ministry is like in a war zone. Pastor Gennadiy serves as a leader of battalion chaplains at the front lines. He describes how the war has impacted families (his included), what he believes to be Russia’s “end game”, and confirms that Ukrainian children are being taken and brought back to Russia. The Ukrainian people are paying a large cost for freedom, but Pastor Gennadiy believes it is worth it to one day see a free Ukraine. Listen now to hear this special update and how you can be praying for the people of Ukraine.
