". . . and having done all . . . stand firm." Eph. 6:13


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PODCAST 43 min

Ep. 143: Personal Testimony - A Win for Free Speech and Freedom of Religion

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Fired from his teaching job because he refused to use “proper pronouns”, Peter Vlaming and his attorney, Alliance Defending Freedom’s Tyson Langhofer, join host Joseph Backholm to tell his story and unpack the five year long legal battle of protecting his rights to free speech and religion. One minute Peter is teaching a French class and the next he is put on administrative leave. Five years ago, Peter had to decide if he was going to stand by his beliefs or bend to the school board when one of his long-time students came out as transgender. While Peter used the student’s male name, the board said that wasn’t enough and required him to use “he/him” pronouns even when the biological female student was not around. Although the journey was long and the battles hard, Peter shares what he has learned, how the Lord provided, and encouragement for anyone walking or walking through this same experience. Listen now to how one teacher stood for his beliefs and the effect this case will have on free speech for years to come.