". . . and having done all . . . stand firm." Eph. 6:13


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PODCAST 39 min

Ep 3: A Bank Collapse (And The Things That Don't Fail)

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What does a good old fashioned bank run have to do with Christian faith? In this episode of Outstanding, host Joseph Backholm is joined by Washington Stand writer Joshua Arnold as they do a deep dive into the Silicon Valley Bank collapse.  Not only will they outline the multiple forces that caused the bank's failure and the ensuing financial disruption, but they also iron out what this means for ordinary Christians in America.  How do Christians find certainty in a world that's far from certain? Bank on a great conversation as Joseph and Joshua address this from a biblical worldview.

Featured article:

?10 Things to Know about the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse,  by Joshua Arnold


Read ?The Washington Stand?, featuring news and commentary from a biblical worldview. Published by ?Family Research Council?.