". . . and having done all . . . stand firm." Eph. 6:13


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PODCAST 43 min

Ep. 41: When is 'Christian' Teaching No Longer Christian?

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In today’s culture, the decline of evangelical churches has reached new lows. This is not an overnight happening, but rather the slow creep of theological liberalism into teachings. The recent news of Pastor Andy Stanley's hosting of a LGBTQ-affirming conference at his Atlanta church -- along with his subsequent defense (and apparent downplaying of) sin -- got us thinking. When Christian teachers stray from Scripture, when does it cease to become Christian teaching? David Closson, director of FRC's Center for Biblical Worldview, along with The Washington Stand's Jared Bridges (who is also a pastor at his local church) join host Joseph Backholm to examine this emerging trend in light of Scripture.
