". . . and having done all . . . stand firm." Eph. 6:13


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PODCAST 40 min

Ep. 99: A Prison Guard's Testimony: Transgender Agenda in Prisons

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Host Joseph Backholm is joined by former prison guard Hector Bravo Ferrel for an insider's look at how the transgender agenda has worked its way into the prison system. Hector shares his story of joining the military, being deployed, and then working in California?'s prisons. Being a prison guard is not for the faint of heart, but Hector?'s job got increasingly difficult when the state of California announced that transgender-identifying males could be moved to an all-female prison if they desired. At a crossroads between choosing his job or standing firm in his beliefs, Hector chose the latter and has continued to share his story and shed light on what is really happening within our prison systems.
