". . . and having done all . . . stand firm." Eph. 6:13


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God Is Moving in Our Midst

April 15, 2023

It’s no secret that we live in a very dark and confused world. The Left is pushing their genderless agenda down the throats of schoolchildren across America. Pro-abortionists are fighting to legalize abortion up until the day of birth across all 50 states. And a former president of the United States is currently the subject of a political witch hunt like no other politician in American history.

But amid these threats to our dearly-held faith and freedoms, I am heartened by an awakening that I see brewing among believers in our country.

Daniel 11:32b reminds us, “But the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.”

Across our nation, I am seeing believers who know God and are standing firm and taking action across generations and in a variety of ways — and this knowledge gives me great comfort.

Most recently, the reality of believers “standing firm” was exhibited in the tiny burb of Wilmore, Kentucky, just this past February. Although it has now abated, the Asbury University Revival, which spontaneously broke out among college students, sparked hope in the hearts of Christians young and old around the world.

Reports that 50,000 Jesus-followers flocked to the Asbury’s campus in Wilmore to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8) bring me a newfound sense of optimism as we look toward the future of Christianity both in America and abroad. I was moved to hear that people traveled from all over the world, from Brazil, England, and Africa, oftentimes waiting in line for eight to 10 hours, to get into the university’s Hughes Auditorium, where the “sweet spirit of God” was encountered by everyone from teenagers to the elderly — and even among members of the news media covering the story.

But the revival that broke out at Asbury wasn’t just contained to Kentucky. It spread like wildfire to other college campuses. Cedarville University, Lee University, Texas A&M University, among dozens of other institutions, reported spontaneous revivals happening among their college students.

As we “stand firm and take action” as believers, we can be assured — God is moving in our midst.

I’m seeing God moving in the media as well. The explosion in popularity of the new movie, “Jesus Revolution” this spring and the television series “The Chosen” in recent years should offer a spark of encouragement to every believer in America. Christians are pushing back against woke entertainment choices and producing Christ-honoring content. It’s refreshing to see and experience.

Not only do the revivals and recent buzz in Christian media demonstrate that God is moving in our midst, but I am profoundly convinced that Gen Z will be the ones to take us to the next level.

While recent polls show Gen Z is the least-churched generation, I am reassured that for those committed to their Christian faith, evangelism remains their top priority. Eighty percent of Christian Gen Z-ers admitted to sharing their faith in Christ with at least one person in the past year.

So, while some in the media claim the church is fizzling out, I am inspired that the youngest among us are leading the charge. This is our new generation of missionaries. But rather than stomp through the Amazon rainforest delivering the good news of Christ to unreached people groups in South America, these Gen Z missionaries are most likely producing TikTok videos or sharing Scripture verses on Instagram. God is moving in new ways — and He’s using social media and a new generation of young people to share the gospel.

To be sure, the news tells a bleak story of crime, woke messaging, natural disasters, and unimaginable suffering. Consuming a steady diet of this can be disheartening. But if we look up and pay attention, the unmistakable work of the Spirit of God is evident.

As we face the future as believers, let us remember that God is moving in our midst. This should help us remain strong-hearted. And, let us continue to speak up for our faith and our freedoms — praying for those in the thick of the fight against the radical Left. Most of all, as Daniel instructs, let us “stand firm and take action,” boldly proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ wherever we can and to all those who will listen.

Timothy Head is executive director of the Faith & Freedom Coalition.

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