". . . and having done all . . . stand firm." Eph. 6:13


How Former Agents of Castro Escape to the U.S. as Imposters

July 13, 2023

In the cycle of evil, imposture is the height of misery. If man does not live or seek to live the Truth through the hard exercise of virtue, and is satisfied with holograms of himself before his peers, he builds in vain. Courage is to do what is fair, which is the True, in a world of lies. Oscar Elías Biscet, Oswaldo Payá, and a long list of men did it in Cuba.

If the destiny of the one who tells the Truth is steep, disastrous is the legacy of the one who applauds the false.

Between 153-145 B.C., Alejandro Balas, an adventurer from Smyrna who, due to his physical resemblance to Antiochus IV, was presented as his son and legitimate claimant to the Seleucid throne, reigned in Syria. The impostor caused blood to flow when he gathered men who drew their swords against those who stood up for the just. Although he won on the battlefield, the lie did not become Truth.

Although he deceived kings of his time, such as Ptolemy VI of Egypt and Ariarates V of Cappadocia, the false did not change to the true.

A man who has not been educated in the art of governing, but in that of lying, will leave no legacy other than chaos. The people of Syria did not like him, his allies and even his own wife, Cleopatra Thea, turned their backs on him. His father-in-law, Ptolemy Philometor, overthrew him, and Syria returned to the hands of the dynasty he had broken.

The wicked wants to obstruct the flow of Truth, but he ends up as a fool cutting the water from the stream with scissors.

Another professional impostor who usurped the crown was Boris Skossyreff, self-proclaimed Boris I, King of Andorra. He was born in 1900 far from that small state in the Pyrenees, in what was then the Russian Empire. Between his father — a soldier — and his mother, a descendant of the nobility, the personality of whom the writer Miguel Izu calls “adventurer with a recognized gift of people and facility for languages” hatched.

Even without the right to title, Boris used the title of baron before leaving Russia. He left bad checks and outlandish stories about himself around interwar Europe. He settled in France with a woman from Marseillaise 15 years older than him, trying to regularize his documentation. In 1931, disappointed at not getting a nationality or a residence permit, he broke the marriage pact. An impostor sees his peers as resources, and order as an obstacle to his whims.

In 1933, he settled in Andorra with an English mistress and another North American, staying in different hotels. And between the imposture that he sold to both women, he began to plot the idea of taking over the small principality.

From the Mundial de Seo de Urgell hotel, he began “a propaganda operation,” launched proclamations, and courted the foreign press, summarized Izu. He claimed that the French president had no rights as co-prince of Andorra; the “true” heir is the pretender to the French Crown, the Duke of Guise, his cousin, for whom he acted as lieutenant. All falsehood.

In the summer of 1934, he proclaimed himself the sovereign prince of Andorra, published a Constitution, dismissed the General Council, and declared war on the Bishop of Urgell. At the end of the smoke, he was detained by Spanish police officers and deported to Portugal under the Law of Vagrants and Crooks.

Another far more renowned slacker and delinquent was the Argentine Ernesto “Che” Guevara. His feats include sending hundreds of brave men to the execution wall without trial, destroying the banks of one of the main Latin American economies, and capsizing in every guerrilla attempt in Africa and South America.

And what to say about the activists of progress who carry the portrait of the murderer on their pullover? The one who consumes impostures is more dangerous than the impostor itself, due to its malleability. They say that Guevara was a doctor and spread death; that he was a thinker and was an ideologue of failure; that he fought for “social” justice and led Cuba to totalitarianism. Impostor. Every socialist is a dictator in disguise, according to Ludwig Von Mises.

The biggest fraud itself is socialism, and those who uphold it are obliged to fill the future idea with rainbows and unicorns. The Truth of broken bones, frozen bodies, and broken teeth is not good promotion.

In the First International, Mikhail Bakunin wrote in a privately circulated program: “Here comes Satan, the eternal rebel, the first free-thinker and emancipator of the peoples. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience. He frees him, stamps on his forehead the seal of freedom and humanity, urging him to disobey and eat the fruit of knowledge.”

“In this revolution we will have to awaken the devil in the people,” said Bakunin, “to provoke the lowest passions.” When the Cuban pastor Alain Toledano says that socialism is a satanic idea, he is not far from the Truth.

What makes Cuba hellish is that system, but the system is not possible without a legion of helpers, people who oscillate between cowardice and fanaticism. Circles of soldiers, officials, collaborators, and informers who distance the island from the West, tradition, and natural law.

In the end, even they flee from the “earthly paradise.” They run from what the 2019 Constitution describes as a “Socialist State of law and social justice, democratic, independent and sovereign, organized with all and for the good of all as a unitary and indivisible republic, founded on work, dignity, humanism and the ethics of its citizens.”

Representing that paragraph, a poem of bureaucrats, Yisell Eguez González, prosecutor of the city of Santa Clara, tried with an iron fist the five convicted of participating in the demonstrations on July 11, 2021 in Caibarién, Villa Clara.

Carlos Michael Morales, José Rodríguez, Javier Delgado, Ysel Fumero, and Magdiel Rodríguez, faced sentences of between six and four years on charges of public disorder, attacking, and damaging state property.

After the defendants made their statements and explained how the events happened, then came the witnesses from the prosecutor’s office who were the same plainclothes policemen. “They called them one by one and had many contradictions in their testimonies,” Adriana Delgado told the independent press at the time. She witnessed the trial against her father, Javier Delgado, and the other four people in November 2021.

On the days of the trial, Yakelin Licor and her husband, José Rodríguez, processed a review of the case against the prosecutor Yisell Eguez González for “misrepresenting the testimonies of the five defendants.”

“And right there, at the Collective Law Firm, when I went to look for an official response to my complaint three months later, they told me that the person I was reporting no longer worked there,” Licor told The Washington Stand. “As a result of that I began to find out that he is not in the country.”

Whether González entered the United States through the southern border or through legal channels, Licor finds it immoral. To be a prosecutor on the island, it is necessary to swear allegiance to the Communist Party and the Revolution, and therefore commit to the indoctrination about the “American empire” and “wild capitalism” that has clouded so many minds in Castro’s Cuba.

Highlighting the immorality in the attitude of a henchman like the prosecutor is important. The actions in the life of an individual are exercised on a moral plane. The political exercise is the administration of the moral — what is good, what is bad, what is Truth, and what are lies. That is why people get irritated with the failures of elected officials, because what is behavioral, what is approved or not approved in circles of power has repercussions in the “real” world.

The most recent way to emigrate to the United States, the Parole Program that benefits Cubans, is also morally flawed, among other things, due to its inability to identify repressors. According to a source who requested anonymity, the Cuban soldier and ex-escort of the dictator Fidel Castro, Ernesto Iglesias, could reach U.S. territory due to the claim of a niece residing in Miami. “Iglesias served on the front line of explosives for years, and today the 7,000 pesos he earns is not enough to live in Havana,” the source said.

Another similar story is that of María de los Ángeles Vidal, a participant together with her husband, Oscar Izquierdo, a senior official of the state company Oro Negro, in accusations and acts of repudiation in Havana.

In 2016, she wrote an email to exiled writer José Raúl Vidal, her brother, after he celebrated Castro’s death. “I live satisfied with who I am: a communist with heart and soul. And now, more than ever, I have nothing to fear from my past, and a lot to do for the future, for my people, here,” she typed.

Since March, she has lived in Hialeah, an area of Miami with a Cuban majority, thanks, presumably, to the humanitarian parole. Whether it was that way, by family reunification or by obtaining an I-220A permit at the border, Vidal questions “the criteria for U.S. immigration officials to open the doors of the country to someone.”

Websites that address the Cuban reality have also reported the entry into the United States of servants, henchmen, and soldiers of the socialist regime. Impostors who ruthlessly hide their service record on federal forms from the last totalitarian regime in the western hemisphere.

Violators of religious freedom such as Roberto Batista, Víctor García and his wife, and members of the Rapid Response Brigades, who harassed the Ladies in White before or after attending mass, also arrived in the United States. García and his partner appear in a 2015 video at a repudiation rally against members of the female opposition group, organized by the political police on San Nicolás street, between Reina and Salud, Havana.

In the images, taken by independent journalist Serafín Morán, García can be seen threatening the Damas and then throwing rubbish from a bucket at them. The women shouted “Freedom!”

The independent press has also reported the presence in the United States of other Castro collaborators, such as one by the name of Roilán, alleged repressor of 11J.

Professional soldiers have crossed the North American borders, such as Carlos Emilio, local chief of the National Revolutionary Police in Sancti Spíritus, Felipe Abstengo, a politician from the Ministry of the Interior (Minint) in Cienfuegos and his wife, Flora Figueroa, also a servant of the repressive body.

The civil service is also escaping from the crisis in which the Marxist system has stifled Cuba. They flee like rats from a sinking ship. Lázaro Castellanos Matos, member of the Municipal Bureau of the Caimanera Communist Party, who manipulated information in the official media about the demonstration in that town of Guantánamo this year. According to internet user Ernesto Sánchez, “He is waiting for parole,” and he has family in the United States.

Other professional “cadres” such as the official of the Institute of Sports (INDER), Juan Alberto Zambrano, or Marta Robles Baró, boss of the state airline Cubana de Aviación and her husband, an alleged political police officer, according to the activist Víctor Dueñas, walk the streets of the United States.

All the names here and those we don’t know need two things to mask their shamelessness. Not only a story that mimics the rational fear of those of us who push the regime into its own lair, but the silence of the witnesses and the covered ears of those who watch over and deliver justice. In addition to posing as prisoners of conscience and their families, as journalists under surveillance, as harassed pastors, as me, they need the enlivened senses of those who love the Truth.