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‘Pride Is Not the Answer, Love Is’: Join ‘See You at the Library’ August 24

June 15, 2024

If we step back and look at the success of the LGBTQ+ lobby over the last nine years since the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, the picture is astounding. Along with officially turning June into Pride Month each year, they and their influential allies in the media, entertainment industry, schools, and government require individuals and companies to celebrate every sexual identity and oppose “heteronormativity,” or else risk the chance of being canceled — or worse.

Thankfully, out of a desire to help parents teach their children biblical values, Brave Books and Christian actor and author Kirk Cameron have launched See You at the Library — a national day where thousands of families will come together at public libraries to host value-filled story hours. Families can gather with their community on August 24 to read character-building children’s books, sing the national anthem, and pray. The goal of this movement is to “secure the hearts and minds of the next generation.”

Cameron told Fox News, “I think we’re in the position that we’re in now as a nation as a result of the failure of good people to teach their children what is important. And sadly, we’ve believed the propaganda and the lie that others are better equipped to teach our children what’s important, like public schools or even youth pastors at churches.”

Researcher George Barna recently explained that, sadly, there is a “new morality” in America largely because parents have not taken their role as primary educators of their children seriously. Instead, children are being taught by educators and social media influencers to view Christians as “oppressors.”

Sadly, millennials and Gen Zers have fallen for the lies of post-modernism, moral relativism, new spirituality, and emotionalism, among others. In addition, the majority of adults hold that issues such as lying, cohabitation, abortion, and same-sex marriage are “morally acceptable.” An example of “new morality” was recently on display in Philadelphia at the recent world-record holding largest drag queen story hour with 268 people.

However, thankfully, there are many young people resisting the new morality. Last year, more than 300 libraries in 46 states had a Brave Books story-hour day. This year, Brave Books has a goal of seeing families gather in 600 libraries in all 50 states for See You at the Library Day. Cameron said: “What we want to shed light on is that pride is not the answer. Pride is dangerous. Love is the answer — which is embracing humility and kindness, faith, hope and self-control. And that’s what we’re going to do on August 24th this summer.”

To support See You at the Library, you can sign up to be a host at BraveStoryHour.com or you can sponsor a story hour by providing a toolkit for a host. A toolkit includes books, Statue of Liberty stickers, hand-held American flags, bookmarks, Bible verses, and memory cards, among other items.

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