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Silence Is Not Part of the Great Commission

June 5, 2023

It is written in 2 Timothy 4:3-4, “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths.” Oh, how prominent this is today. You do not have to look for proof of these corrupt ideologies because they are now apparent in most aspects of society.

For instance, Glamour U.K.’s June issue featured a transgender-identifying pregnant man, who goes by Logan Brown, as a sign of “empowerment, inclusivity, and equality.” Brown stated, “We’re real living people. And at the end of the day, I am a trans pregnant man, and I do exist. No matter what anyone says, I am literally living proof.”

Must I state the obvious? Men cannot get pregnant. This is basic biology. However, what Glamour magazine advocated did not make me think solely of basic biology. Nor did it stir righteous anger in response to the LGBT community that is continually mocking God. No, in this new level of profound separation from reality, I am reminded of the Christian’s responsibility to promote truth. In a culture saturated with “itching ears” and people pursuing their own truth, Christians have an obligation to speak up. Silence is not part of the Great Commission.

Second Timothy 4:5 says, “As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” The work of an evangelist is to proclaim the gospel — particularly to the unconverted. It’s easy to share the truth with those already walking in the light because they are not offended. But are we fulfilling our ministry of boldly proclaiming the truth to those suiting their own passions? Those consumed by darkness? Those who are offended by the truth?

Rosaria Butterfield formerly identified as a lesbian and was heavily involved in feminist philosophy and LGBT advocacy. After her conversion to Christianity, she made it her goal to proclaim the truth of the gospel and explain who we are in Christ. She makes the case that referring to someone by their “preferred” pronouns is not a matter of course correction, but a sin requiring repentance. She wrote, “After I have learned lessons, I have earnestly tried to course-correct. And that’s the problem. My use of transgendered pronouns was not a mistake; it was sin. Public sin requires public repentance, not course correction.”

Butterfield goes on to list reasons why using transgender pronouns is a sin:

“Using transgendered pronouns is a sin against the ninth commandment and encourages people to sin against the tenth commandment.”

“Using transgendered pronouns is a sin against the creation ordinance.”

“Using transgendered pronouns is a sin against image-bearing.”

“Using transgendered pronouns discourages a believer’s progressive sanctification and falsifies the gospel.”

“Using transgendered pronouns cheapens redemption, and it tramples on the blood of Christ.”

“Using transgendered pronouns fails to love my neighbor as myself.”

When 2 Timothy tells us to “preach the word,” being “ready in season and out of season,” it is vital to understand the season we are in. A sexual revolution is at hand. Gradually, the devil has been using gender identity dysmorphia to grab ahold of lives — holding them hostage in darkness. He has convinced people that identity and truth are whatever you want them to be. From the enemy’s lips to the ears of the unconverted, it comes across as inclusive and loving.

Ignoring Butterfield’s argument and using transgender pronouns can seem like the right thing to do because it mitigates tension. It stops you from seeming homophobic, right? Well, perhaps it stops you from appearing hateful, but it is certainly not loving. We are called to love.

Christians are required to proclaim the truth not merely as an act of obedience, but as an act of love. It is not a risk to tell the truth at the expense of someone taking offense. It is, however, a risk (not worth entertaining) to sit silently as these souls march to eternal damnation. It is not our responsibility to soften the hardened heart, but it is our responsibility to show we care about their souls by not tolerating their sinful practices.

There are Christians who condone the use of transgender pronouns. There are Christians who avoid declaring what the Bible says about gender for fear of sounding transphobic. There are Christians who have LGBT acquaintances they have never shared the gospel with.

Christian, what good is your faith if you privatize it? Jesus says in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” To go and make disciples, we need to share the gospel. Sharing the gospel requires us to speak. Sharing the gospel is not just telling broken people that Jesus loves them. Rather, because of Jesus’s love displayed on the cross, they must repent. They must die to their old selves to be born again in Him and receive eternal life.

Do not allow yourself to be the Christian who shared the truth with everyone except the lost. Do not be the Christian who allowed friends, coworkers, family, or children to walk in darkness because sharing the light is intimidating. Silence is simply not part of the Great Commission.

The world needs truth desperately, and you know the truth. Lord willing, no sinner in your life who comes to saving faith can say you didn’t try or that you didn’t care, because you cared so much about their salvation that no fear of hostility could refrain the gospel truth.

Romans 1:6 says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.”

Go. Be bold. Proclaim the gospel. With everyone.

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.

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