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Child Sex Trafficking More Than Tripled under Biden-Harris

October 16, 2024

A new report is sounding the alarm on the dramatic increase in child sex trafficking facilitated by the Biden-Harris administration’s open-borders policies. According to The Free Press, child sex traffickers advertise sex with children on a number of websites and apps — including Facebook, TikTok, and OnlyFans — using photos of scantily clad women or girls whose faces are not in the photo, so that their ages are unclear. Since Biden took office in 2021, The Free Press reports, ads for child sex have increased and over 90% advertise sex with migrant children.

“Each week, we track over 12,000 ads for women in Houston, 2,600 in San Antonio, 3,500 in Austin, and 14,000 in Dallas,” a source told The Free Press. She continued, “Nearly all of my sex-trafficking rings now are migrant girls. The ads exploded within the first three months of the border being open. We started noticing new sites and ads in Spanish. That was very few before. Then sites dedicated to Latino girls popped up everywhere.” The source, who tracks child sex traffickers and reports them to law enforcement, added, “If I wanted to, I could order a girl within 15 minutes. It’s that easy.”

The Free Press explained that traffickers — including Mexican, Salvadorian, Cuban, and Venezuelan gangs — will coerce women and young girls into crossing the southern border of the U.S., promising them good jobs in America. Once the women and girls cross the border, usually with the help of traffickers, they are then “forced” into prostitution, which traffickers say is a way of paying off the debt that the women and girls owe to the traffickers who got them across the border.

Children were still sex trafficked over the border under the tenure of President Donald Trump, but the number of child sex trafficking victims has tripled since President Joe Biden and his deputy, Vice President Kamala Harris, took office in 2021. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) operates the Office on Trafficking in Persons, which offers assistance to migrant minors who have escaped sex trafficking. According to information obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by The Free Press, HHS and the Office on Trafficking in Persons assisted an annual average of 625 migrant minors who had escaped sex trafficking.

“But in 2021, the first year of the Biden administration, that number jumped to 1,143. In 2022 it jumped again, to 2,226. Last year, the number stood at 2,148, but that was only through September; the fourth quarter hadn’t yet been counted,” The Free Press reported. “To put it another way, forced labor and prostitution among underage migrants more than tripled under President Biden, reaching record highs. And that only counted the handful who had escaped — not the thousands who were still held by the traffickers…”

According to data published by the Office on Trafficking in Persons, there are three times as many cases of migrant child sex trafficking than adult sex trafficking. The number of child sex trafficking cases began rising slowly in the late 2000s, from only four in 2001 to 100 by 2011. Throughout Trump’s presidency, the number of child sex trafficking cases averaged 633 per year, while the number of adult sex trafficking cases averaged 419 per year.

In the first year of Biden-Harris administration’s term, the number of child sex trafficking cases (1,143) was more than double the number of adult sex trafficking cases (527). In fact, the average number of child sex trafficking cases per year (1,839) under the Biden-Harris administration is the same as the total number of adult sex trafficking cases (1,840) for all three years combined.

Vice President Harris, now running for president on the Democratic ticket, has faced criticism for her failure to address the crisis at the nation’s southern border after Biden appointed her the administration’s “border czar” in early 2021. Her own open-borders policies stretch back years. During her time in the U.S. Senate, Harris sponsored a bill that would have prevented Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents from arresting or deporting illegal immigrants already in the U.S. who claimed to sponsor an “unaccompanied minor child” (UAC), even if the sponsor had been convicted of crimes such as child sexual abuse. The bill failed, but the Center for Immigration Studies revealed that Harris inserted the same language into a U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding bill, effectively barring ICE from arresting child sex traffickers who were actively sponsoring migrant children.

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.