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Christians Must ‘Pray and Prepare’ Over Push for Global Governance: Experts

October 8, 2024

When anyone asks former Congresswoman and 2012 Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann why they should care about international bureaucrats’ efforts to establish a world government, she has a simple answer.

“The reason why we need to pay attention is because this will impact literally every person on Earth. There is no one who won’t be impacted by a move toward global governance,” Bachmann told the 2024 Pray Vote Stand Summit in Washington, D.C. “What we’re talking about with the World Health Organization” (WHO) engaging in attempts to pass a pandemic agreement or “what just recently happened in the last two weeks at the United Nations with Pact for the Future, is establishing a perch for global governance.”

Both documents would give unelected global bureaucrats enhanced authority in the event of a “complex global crisis,” which “could be anything” under their terms, she said. “It doesn’t matter what the name is, the impact of the power is the same. It is one global leader who will have the power to make a declaration that triggers other powers. That could mean restrictions on the right to travel, that could meet mandates for biologically based digital IDs.”

Travis Weber, vice president for Policy and Government Affairs at Family Research Council, agreed both documents will “deteriorate national sovereignty and move sovereignty and decision making away from individual nations to a world power.”

Weber, who attended the WHO’s 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva in May as a correspondent for The Washington Stand, when WHO hoped to unveil a globally-binding pandemic agreement, said Eurocrats did not give a passing thought to America’s first freedoms. “There was virtually no mention of free speech, individual freedom, political or individual freedom, human rights, religious freedom. Those were not raised in the room as considerations to be worked through,” Weber told a panel on global governance moderated by FRC Action President Tony Perkins. “In this deliberation of the nations of the world coming together to consider a pandemic preparation or response, what was being considered and mentioned over and over, almost like a repetitive pledge without deliberation, was, ‘We will do more’” to increase the power, scope, authority, and reach of global governance organizations.

Weber noted that the WHO and U.N. documents contained “not one mention of God.”

Bachmann noted the threat of such global advisory bodies taking on greater authority is that they provide cover for homegrown despots to crack down on their citizens under the cover of U.N. directives.

“WHO is not a legislative body. The Centers for Disease Control is not a legislative, or law-making body,” she said. “Congress never passed any law regarding COVID-19. And yet the whole country in America was under bondage, because we were forcing our military to get vaccines, whether they wanted to or not. The CDC had WHO recommendations” on its website. Under pressure from a since-overturned Biden-Harris regulation, “private employers were mandating vaccinations” for employees to keep their jobs.

Global regulations inevitably seem to benefit totalitarian powers at Americans’ expense, she added. “China gets its way at the U.N., but we pay for everything,” said Bachmann.

The method of payment itself may become adulterated in the days to come, warned Gabe Lyons of THINQ Media. The world faces “the threat of a currency that soon could be programmed,” he said. “It’s dictated that you can’t spend your money in this particular place or that when you go to the grocery store, you can only buy this many pounds of meat that month, because that’s your distribution. All of a sudden, the money that you think is yours is being controlled by someone else. That’s where the future of digital currency is absolutely designed to go.”

Donald Trump initiated U.S. withdrawal from the World Health Organization in the summer of 2020, but Joe Biden reversed the move — and restored all back funding — after his inauguration.

Transforming from a global advisory body to a global government “has been a fever dream of the United Nations since 1945, when it was created,” Bachmann, who now serves as chair of Family Research Council’s board, told the panel. “As a believer, I know in the end times there will be a global government. And we’re seeing a convergence of events, prophetically.”

“If it was up to me, I would pull us out of the United Nations on day one, defund it, and then sell that land in Manhattan. And I’d order a demolition company, take down that building and say, ‘Have at it in Geneva or Salzburg or Brussels, wherever you want to go, but get out of the United States of America,’” said Bachmann.

“The enemy has one plan,” agreed Weber. “And what we saw happening, unfortunately, in that room is the enemy’s plans being advanced, because the things of God were not being considered.”

At an individual level, it is up to every Christian “to observe and discern what’s happening, to be able to pray and to prepare,” said Weber. “This just comes to gazing upon the Lord, because the news will not fill me; it will drain me. We need the joy that comes from the Lord Himself, the hope that comes from the Holy Spirit. And that comes from communing with the Lord.”

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.