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Every Group of Americans Supports a Ban on Trans Procedures for Minors, Except Democrats: Poll

October 15, 2024

A new poll has found Americans across every race, sex, age, ethnicity, income, region, educational status, and political viewpoint would support a national law making it illegal to carry out transgender procedures on minors, with one exception.

If the government passed a bill banning pediatric gender clinics from inflicting so-called “gender-affirming care” on everyone under 18, every demographic group in the United States would favor it — except registered Democrats. That finding comes from The Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll, conducted by Noble Predictive Insights, which interviewed 2,560 registered voters from October 2 to 4.

Overall, nearly six in 10 Americans (59%) say the government should bar the transgender industry from dispensing any drug or committing a life-altering surgery on minors. Only 25% of Americans would oppose such a law, with 16% undecided. Solid majorities from virtually every area of American life answered the question, “Should the federal government ban transgender procedures, such as puberty blockers and gender-related surgeries, for minors?” with a resounding “yes” — including Republicans (82%), parents of minors (61%), urban residents (58%), college-educated voters (55%), and young people aged 18-34 (53%). 

The most sought-after voting blocs in the 2024 presidential election believe the government should prohibit the transgender industry from targeting children and teenagers, including suburban residents (57%), females, and true Independent voters (both 56%).

While Republicans, those who live in rural areas (64%), parents of adults (63%), and Southerners (62%) proved most likely to favor limiting the transgender industry to adults, the protection for vulnerable minors also earned the support of childless voters (53%), as well as those who live in the Midwest (60%), West (59%), and Northeast (51%).

White voters (63%) proved slightly more likely to oppose transgender procedures for adolescents and pre-pubescent children than Hispanics (59%). A plurality of black voters said they would endorse a ban on underage transgender injections and surgeries (46%), far outnumbering those who would oppose it (32%) or who expressed no opinion (22%). The poll found nearly no statistical differences between Americans at any income level or any age over 35.

Every group which favored shielding minors from transgender businesses such as Planned Parenthood supported the bill by lopsided margins (as much as 72 points), well outside the poll’s 2.1% margin of error.

Only registered Democrats said they believed the multibillion-dollar transgender industry should be able to ply its trade on minors, who cannot legally drink alcohol or attend an R-rated movie alone. Even then, only a plurality of Democrats disbelieve in such laws. A total of 43% of registered Democrats would oppose a national minor protection bill, while 36% would welcome such a measure.

Liberal voters’ indifference to the transgender industry’s victimization of minors tracks with the official positions of the Democratic Party and its presidential ticket. “Democrats will vigorously oppose state and federal bans on gender-affirming health care,” says the 2024 Democratic Party platform, which calls such procedures “medically necessary.” The Biden-Harris administration has strongly condemned state SAFE Acts and, in July, Kamala Harris campaigned on “RuPaul’s Drag Race” with a promise to “fight back” against “the right of everyone to be who they are.” Vice presidential candidate Tim Walz signed legislation declaring Minnesota a sanctuary for minors who identify as transgender.

Their stance conflicts with the strongly held views of most Americans. Ironically, the Center Square poll likely “understates Americans’ strong opposition to hospitals performing dangerous ‘gender transition’ procedures (so-called ‘puberty blockers’ and mutilations recast as ‘surgeries’) on minor children’s bodies,” Peter LaBarbera, president of Center For Morality and Americans for Truth, told The Washington Stand. “The percentages would be much higher were it not for the pro-Democrat-media’s efforts to spike coverage of the issue and lie about it.”

LaBarbera said the biggest lie pushed by pro-LGBTQ reporters and activists is that “gender transition” procedures are rarely if ever carried out on minors. In fact, a study from the pro-family research group Do No Harm found that between 2019 and 2023:

  • 13,994 children received transgender-related treatments.
  • 5,747 transgender “sex change” operations were carried out on children.
  • “62,682 hormone and puberty blockers prescriptions [were] written for 8,579 pediatric patients.”
  • “At least $119,791,202 [was] made from sex change treatments performed on minors.”

“This poll is only the tip of the iceberg. Most Americans are outraged that minors cannot get a tattoo in most states, yet somehow thousands of sex-confused adolescents have been allowed to harm their growing bodies through diabolical ‘gender transitions’ overseen by pro-trans medical ‘experts,’ and egged on by ‘woke’ adults enthralled with leftist gender ideology,” LaBarbera told TWS.

In 2023, 23 state legislatures passed 84 laws limiting the extreme transgender ideologues’ agenda, including preventing minors from being subjected to transgender surgeries, according to a tally from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The controversial legal group has sought to circumvent the people’s will by establishing the transgender industry’s pediatric commercial activities as a human “right.”

The Democrats’ stance further breaks with its image as an opponent of Big Business. “[T]he sex-reassignment surgery market size was $4.12 billion in 2022,” according to a report on the industry titled “The Gender-Industrial Complex,” produced by the American Principles Project.

With such strong, across-the-board support for banning transgender procedures on minors, Republicans should not fear campaigning on the issue, said LaBarbera. “We can stop this contagion in its tracks and save countless teenagers from destroying their own healthy bodies,” he concluded.

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.