". . . and having done all . . . stand firm." Eph. 6:13


EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Discusses Articles of Impeachment against ‘Woke, Left, Radical’ Kamala Harris

July 24, 2024

Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday, alleging gross negligence in failing to secure the nation’s southern border and a grievous breach of trust with the American people in covering up President Joe Biden’s continuing cognitive decline for years.

On Wednesday, The Washington Stand had the opportunity to discuss the articles of impeachment and the failures of Kamala Harris with Ogles. The following interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

TWS: Congressman, thank you very much for making the time to talk with us today. You have filed articles of impeachment against Vice President Kamala Harris. What is your basis for filing them?

REP. ANDY OGLES: When you look at the articles of impeachment, which I have in my hand, there’s two components to it. One is based off of the willful neglect and dereliction as it pertains to the immigration laws. The other pertains to Joe Biden’s cognitive health and the 25th Amendment. So either are egregious, either create a constitutional crisis. But there’s a process in place — whether you agree with it or don’t — there’s a process in place where a member of Congress, like I’ve done, points this out and brings forward a resolution for it to be evaluated by members of Congress. Look, she was the border czar. This is the Biden-Harris, the Harris-Biden administration. They’ve allowed our country to be invaded by 10 million people. We see all across the country these little girls — 12, 13, 14 years old — being raped by illegal immigrants. Those crimes should have never happened, those people that came here illegally. And quite frankly, what you need to understand is Central and South America are emptying out their prisons of the worst of the worst, and they’re coming here and they’re targeting women and young girls. I’m not going to stand for it. I’m not going to stand by silently while fentanyl is flooding our streets. Murders are happening. Women and children and little girls are being raped. Someone has to say something. That’s exactly what I’ve done.

TWS: As you noted, Harris was appointed as Biden’s “border czar” in 2021. Much of the Democratic Party is coalescing around her currently as, seemingly, their potential nominee. Do you think that her failure to enforce border and immigration law will haunt her potential campaign?

OGLES: Well, all across the country, whether it’s a blue city or a red area like mine, so Democrat or Republican, the number one issue is immigration and the associated crime. And so this is a problem for them, and this is why they’re going to try to reinvent her, quite frankly. They’re going to try to blame Joe Biden for this. But she was the “border czar.” And she didn’t even go to the border — she went near the border. And so when these terrorists — we caught 400 terrorists at the southern border, we’ve caught people with bomb-making material at the southern border — where was she? Where was she calling out Iran and the governments in Central and South America and Mexico that were complicit in getting all of those individuals here? Where was she when all those individuals were being murdered and head-on collisions happening on the interstates by drunk illegals? She had a job to do, and she failed to do it. And if she tried, she failed miserably. It’s even worse. So we have a process here, we’ve got to hold her accountable. This is going to be the thing that, I think, is why Donald Trump is going to overwhelmingly win the Electoral College. And quite frankly, I think there’s the opportunity because of immigration, because of the economy, to win the popular vote as well.

TWS: Throughout her own campaign back in 2019, when she was running for the Democratic nomination for president, Harris repeatedly referred to her own policies on immigration, which were largely open-borders policies. On a conference call with reporters on Tuesday, President Trump actually said that Harris is even more “radical” than Joe Biden. Do you agree with that?

OGLES: Oh, absolutely. So look, I think if you’re going to attack Kamala Harris, the candidate for president, you have to do it on the facts. She has a track record as a senator. She has public statements where she’s taken positions. So she wants to decriminalize coming here illegally. We have laws that are in place, she can’t decriminalize that. She wants to give illegals free health care. Meanwhile, she wants to prevent you from being able to buy health care. She’s against the tax cuts for the middle class, and you look on and on and on. Yet she’s going to try and reinvent herself. At a rally that she just had, she says she’s going to try to lift up the middle class. Her policies are woke, they’re Left, they’re radical, and it would decimate the middle class at a time when the middle class is hurting. Working families are hurting. It’s more expensive at the grocery store. Crime — their cities are ridden with crime. And yet here she is, she’s going to go back to the old playbook of the progressive Democrats. They’re going to attack the family, they’re going to attack you, they’re going to attack me, and they’re going to continue to strip away our rights and our freedom. And enough is enough. I’m taking a stand. And part of that begins with the articles of impeachment.

TWS: The Democratic Party constantly labels President Trump and his supporters a “threat to democracy.” But they just pressured the sitting U.S. president to retire his reelection campaign. And, as we noted, they’ve coalesced around Kamala Harris, a candidate who did not win a single primary. What can conservative voters — or really, any concerned Americans — do to stem or combat this kind of corruption?

OGLES: Well, I think one of the things that we have to look at is, say, a red state like Tennessee: Donald Trump is going to win Tennessee. But Tennesseans can still have a role in making phone calls into Pennsylvania, into Michigan, into Wisconsin, those states that we need to win, to help get out the vote. I think the American people are primed. You know, just a few weeks ago, Donald Trump had a rally in New Jersey with 107,000 people. Compare that to Kamala’s rally and she had 3,000 people. The American people recognize that the country is broken. They recognize that they have problems and they’re seeking answers. And the solutions are with the Republican Party and with President Donald Trump.

TWS: And when do you expect any kind of vote on these articles of impeachment?

OGLES: Well, that’s to be determined. We have the prime minister of Israel here today, Benjamin Netanyahu, after which we will have a vote series, and then we will recess for the month of August into September. We’re about to take a break so that we can go back to our districts and, obviously, have our townhalls and get with our constituents as we go into October, November, and December and finish out the year. So to be determined as to when these could possibly be brought up. But stay tuned.

TWS: Congressman, thank you very much for your time. We really appreciate it.

OGLES: Absolutely. Thank you.

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.