". . . and having done all . . . stand firm." Eph. 6:13


‘The Great Wall of China’s Deception’: House Roundtable Exposes CCP Threats

At the Capitol on July 12, Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) invited several different religious leaders from different backgrounds to an Interfaith Roundtable on the threat the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) poses to religious freedom. President of Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, had a seat at the table.

Perkins referred to the current situation as “The Great Wall of China’s Deception.” He elaborated on how the CCP’s “control” regime is even affecting the U.S. “China literally touches the world,” he said.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) appointed Gallagher as the Chairman of the Select Committee on China in December 2022. He has spent his time in this role rigorously fighting against the CCP and rallying others to join him in standing up for religious freedom. He hosted this roundtable in hopes of bringing together different voices with the goal of exposing the true agenda of the CCP.

Various religions were represented by men across the U.S. and China to discuss the threat to religious freedom at the hands of the CCP. Sharing their personal experiences with Chinese religious persecution, the selected members called on Gallagher and religious people to stand up and fight for freedom.

Gallagher began the discussion by shedding light on the attacks on faith that are occurring in China, such as the CCP’s rewriting of the Gospel of John and changing the Ten Commandments to distort truth. He continued by sharing how the CCP is committing genocide due to their persecution, and yet, “even under intense persecution, faith persists in China.”

Pastor Pan Yongguang of the Mayflower Church that recently landed in America said, “There is no freedom of religion in China. … There is a price to pay for being a true Christian in China.” Pastor Pan continued by sharing how the CCP is responsible for banning, closing, and destroying churches across China. In his 14 years of serving the church, he faces these threats “constantly.”

Many other members shared their experiences with the CCP persecuting the church in China. In response to these testimonies, Gallagher asked the members what they want to see from Congress. To this question, members agreed the persecution is so severe, it needs to be addressed. As Pastor Bob Fu said, this is “worth investigating.”

As discussed at the roundtable, Gallagher emphasized how this persecution is happening all over China and how the CCP is imitating the temptation we see in the Garden of Eden when the serpent says, “And you will be like God” (Genesis 3:4). The members agreed. As one stated, “It is easy to assume other countries have religious freedom,” even when many countries do not — and, as the table discussed, people need to know what is happening.

Rep. Carlos A. Giménez concluded, “I want to make sure my children and my grandchildren do not live in a world dominated by the CCP.”

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.