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These 2 New York Times Headlines Prove How Much You Need Conservative Media

February 3, 2025

If you read The Washington Stand, you crave information and know how hard it is to find — but even the most skeptical reader may not know just badly the legacy media bury the truth beneath their political bias. Two recent headlines in The New York Times showed just how much readers need a conservative alternative.

One headline earned a mention by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) at the 2025 March for Life during his discussion of birthright citizenship. “It’s interesting that The New York Times had a hit piece going against this, and here was their headline ‘Undocumented Women Ask: Will My Unborn Child be a Citizen?’ So, The New York Times is admitting it’s not just a clump of cells. Let’s welcome The New York Times to the pro-life movement. Wow!”

Wow, indeed. The New York Times has proven implacably hostile to the pro-life movement since Roe v. Wade, if not earlier. Even using the term “unborn child” in an unrelated context, such as ginning up sympathy for deportable illegal immigrants hoping to exploit U.S. immigration law, represents a major shift. Yet the gray lady exited the right-to-life movement just one day later with a story on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Its subheadline read: “The bill would require that infants born alive after an attempted abortion receive the same protection as any newborn baby.” As Washington Examiner columnist Tim Carney asked, “What is an ‘infant born alive after an attempted abortion’ if not a ‘newborn baby?’”

The Times need not have worried. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act failed a cloture vote 52-47. All Democrats opposed the bill. “During the first week of Trump’s presidency, this is what Republicans are focused on?” complained Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) in the Times story. Of course, government has no higher function than to protect innocent defenseless life from aggression. Family Research Council’s Mary Szoch encouraged pro-life Americans to raise their voice on behalf of “the countless unknown little saints whose voices are only heard in Heaven.” That we must do. But this bill does not really affect abortion — because abortion does not take place outside the body after a woman has given birth, except at Kermit Gosnell’s house of horrors. The bill compassionately attempts to stave off infanticide — a word the Times story only mentions in scare quotes.

So, how could the newspaper of record, which claims it publishes “all the news that’s fit to print,” switch from referring to a preborn baby as “unborn child” one day to pretending “infants born alive” are different from “newborn babies” the next? The New York Times’s incredibly rotating reality points toward its one and only North Star: promoting left-wing politics in every aspect of its coverage. The legacy media determines every aspect of its coverage — from story selection to magnifying non-stories to word selection — in order to further its liberal political aims. When an illegal immigrant arrives with an anchor-baby-to-be, the media bestow the future Democratic voter with all the empathic qualities of human dignity. When a newborn baby screams for her life on an inept abortionist’s table (who likely donated to the Democratic Party), the media “otherize” her and treat her survival as trivial.

Like reading Pravda in the days of the Soviet Union, an American has to read between the lines, using the news as a guide to the party line rather than an indication of the truth. Here and there, a few useful facts escape. Then again, Satan quoted Scripture. It makes the lies more palatable.

Reading news should not be mentally exhausting. Readers should not have to wade through paragraphs of left-wing “context” to get the facts — or be denied them. Americans deserve a reliable outlet that will tell them the truth and respect their faith and values.

That is where The Washington Stand comes in. Writers at The Washington Stand are Christians — and a Christian’s first duty begins with the truth. We bring you hard data about tough stories, and we do not bend the story to fit our preconceived notions. All the messy facts spill out — and we allow the truth to impose order on them. The Washington Stand does not promise to eliminate our perspective from the news: We are Christians who promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us God. We also help readers understand the facts in light of the Bible and the time-tested moral precepts that built Western civilization.

In an age when the most elite media outlets change their perspective like a kaleidoscope based on their political priorities, isn’t an unchanging, unfailing standard exactly what Americans need most of all?

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.

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